inspiration, living, love, motivation, philosophy, psychology, spiritual, writing

We make our opinions based on the knowledge perceived by our observations, but when we go deep into any persons life , we realize that nobody in this world is worth hating.It is just that everyone has their own perception and one would have choosed to particularly live their life based on options given by Lord.


inspiration, living, love, motivation, philosophy, psychology, science, spiritual, writing

Don’t waste your time on judging if you are doing a sin , if at all you feel that is a part of your destiny .There is no big sin than not following one’s dream.This world only understand the language of lessons and you can learn lessons only through your mistakes.


inspiration, living, love, motivation, philosophy, psychology, science, spiritual, writing

Meditation and depression are two sides of a same coin . Both are Nothing but an interface between conscious and subconscious mind. The difference is , during meditation you command your brain and during depression brain commands you.


inspiration, living, love, motivation, philosophy, psychology, science, spiritual, writing

DREAMS are like gravitational field of DESTINY. All you need to dare is to enter within this field , and rest is looked after , by that invisible force of your dream.PROCRASTINATION is the repelling force which stops you from entering into the gravitational field of destiny.So ,  one has nothing to worry about  what he should do , he should only worry about how he is gonna overcome that procrastination which stops him from entering his dream.

