
Time to trust upon time . 

​It takes time . It really takes time to calm down every excitement of yours to settle down , for you were in an illusion for so long .But you have to move on and the journey must go on . Let time be the best healer of soul ,  because it is the patience , that is key to our success . You have endured more distresses in life , so you know , you can be more better than this . You are stronger than what you think of yourself . You have promised yourself , when you have promised someone else . So just be calm , as you always were . Take a deep breath and you will be fine. You still can go further  , because you have balanced it well till here.You know the feel of being fallen deeper and you were carefull this time . So it does takes time , but don’t take as longer as you have taken it last time . You cannot avoid the spiral staircase , but you can  alter your personnel power , and that’s the only gift . You cannot control but you can balance . You cannot escape but you can still manage to survive . And sooner you will be searching for something different , laughing at the same story , which now is pricking your soul . When others are speaking about their lives and you realize that even you have gone through something similar , you will have a smile that would come out of only wisdom and you will feel proud of yourself , because you were never atleast not one of those , who gave up with fear . Risk is something that is absolutely necessary , no matter how least time it works . It is only because people take risk , people reach where they actually deserve to be . life only gives you what you seek for . So , ask for happiness , though even that seems to be an illusion . Because the only truth which you consider to be the only one that exists  , also seems to be an illusion in the eyes of others . So don’t waste your time in fixing the truth at one point , because change is the only fixed truth of this universe . So it’s not the same tommorow . And common , even today is not as bad as you are thinking now . You are better than yesterday . And if the soul doesn’t agree with it , it is okay . We still have tommorow , and we still can hope . But then, lets wait !. All it takes is just time .


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