art, author, blog, blogging, culture, inspiration, life, living, love, motivation, philosophy, poetry, psychology, religion, science, spiritual, writing


The only reason for those little success that I found till now , is my belief and the only reason for my failures that I have seen till now,  is my inability to believe at times.

inspiration, love, motivation, philosophy, poetry, spiritual, writing

A legend’s ‘SOULMATE’

There is always one special person whom a LEGEND meets in his life and they will teach him the real meaning of love. That person might not be the first person whom he fall in love with, nor they might be the person who accept his love at the very first proposal .  In fact it is not even necessary that, that person will live with him till the end . They just come into his world , they teach him an important lesson and they go away . Before they go too far from him, they  give him that last gift which would turn the rest of his life worth living. That may be the last gift from them but that would be the best ever gift than any other person could have probably offered him . Most of the time the gift is the uphill task of living without them  for the rest of his life . That person will make him realize that letting go the one whom he love is the best way to show his love to someone.

Once he learns  the lesson of  letting free the person whom he love the most , there will be nothing else for him to lose in this world. The day he understands that he can survive in this world without the person whom he loved , he will lose the fear of losing anything else in his life. He will start towards a new venture. He will start dreaming without fear and set goals to his maximum potential . Fear of losing something is the only feeling that can stop a person from accomplishing his dreams. There is no reason for such fear to exist in a person who has learned to live without the person whom he believe to be the most valuable person in this world.So , a legend will accomplish his every goal with repeated trials and failures and  reach that place which he believes to be  success.

That day will finally occur ,searching which he had traveled his journey .It will be the day for him to sit and smile at his achievements. By then he would have lived a beautiful fairy tale which would be worth reading by every person who dream of something in his life. World finally recognizes his success and asks him the secret of it. Tough he might know the real reason of what added the most ,he will say that his efforts played the crucial role in his journey to success . But forever whenever he closes his eyes and asks the same question for himself , the truth will reveal the face of the person who was the real reason for everything that happened in his life.The person who thought him the real meaning of love. Within his own heart he will be always thankful for that ‘SOULMATE’ who helped him to reach his final destination.
